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  1. sign up to our mailing List 
  2. subscribe to my youtube channel 
  3. share , like , comment any beat/post/vid
  4. like DR.EKG both facebook pages @bosswagaudio- @DR.Ekg bossAudio
  5. Create a reel, or story with DR.EKG Beat
  6. join our free or prepay subscriptions
  7. buy any lease 

10 Free Beats


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10Beats {to record and release)
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Level by DR.EKG

❤️Support DR.EKG it won’t go unnoticed ❤️

Today we show our respect through likes, share, comments and follows. These are the priceless ways to show your support to anyone. This can mean more than 💲money. DR.EKG is the creator of all content logos, cover art , beats etc creating 1 beat going through many steps or more before releasing. Support won’t go unnoticed. Anything count

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